Infant massage is an ancient tradition that has been practiced for centuries all over the world and classes are now being offered at Fern Lactation to continue this tradition. Infant massage is taught by a Certified Instructor, but the massage is administered by the parent. The main principle of infant massage uses human touch to build on the foundations of development, relationships, and lifelong health.
Infant Massage Class​
Touch is the first sense that develops in utero and through touch is how infants understand their bodies and their world. Using this craft in the form of massage creates a secure and symbiotic relationship between infant and parent that encompasses benefits for both of you. The classes are taught to parents/caregivers of infants from 0-1 y/o in a five-week series that meets one time per week for approximately an hour and a half. You will be hands on in the class with your child and will learn the history, the strokes, the progression of massage, and the whys behind it. I hope to see you in a class soon and cannot wait for you to enjoy these special interactions you will have with your infant that you cannot get anywhere else.
5 Week class series, Tuesdays 5-6:15pm
June 6th-July 11th (skipping July 4th)
Cost for series: $125 per family
Location: Fern Lactation 4141 6th Ave, Suite C, Tacoma, WA 98402